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Church History

Learn about church history in an overview of the first 1500 years and why it matters to you today in your faith.

Experience Level


Total Time



98 mins

Course ​Description

This course is designed for beginner Bible students that are seeking to better understand the heritage and history of the Christian faith. From the time of the early church in the New Testament to the Protestant reformation, take a look at why understanding more about church history can not only deepen and enrich your faith, but also help you walk more faithfully with the Lord today.

To help provide a brief overview of the first 1500 years of church history why it matters to your faith today.

What you will learn:

✓  Class 1. Persecution to Legalized (1st - 4th centuries)

  • Take a look at the beginnings of the church after the New Testament until the time of Roman Emperor Constantine.

✓  Class 2. The Medieval Church​​​​ (4th - 15th centuries)

  • Take a look at the development of the church after Constantine up to Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation.


Persecuted to Legalized (Early Church Era 1-4th centuries)

Medieval Church Period (5-15th centuries)

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