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This week we are taking a look at the book of Titus. Penned by the apostle Paul sometime in the 60's A.D. to his apprentice, younger evangelist and leader Titus. Paul's short letter to Titus instructs him in many practical ministry applications such as apppointing elders, rebuking false doctrine, and proper Christian living,. Read the book of Titus every day this week in a different version. Day 1. Grace & Peace (Titus 1:4) Why would God inspire Paul through His Holy Spirit to open almost every letter he wrote in our N.T. with the words "grace and peace"? What is God wanting for us to take from this? Is your life characterized by grace and peace? Day 2. Claiming To Know God (Titus 1:16) Paul says that there were some who were claming to know God but were not actually living it. By their actions they denied God (cf. 1 John 2:3-4; John 14:23-24). What actions, behaviors, patterns, or addicitons in your life cause you to live in such a way that you 'deny' God? What steps of faith, repentance and obedience can you take? Day 3. Sound Doctrine (Titus 2:1) Paul was emphatic about the teaching of sound doctrine, especially to his young preachers (cf. 2 Tim 4:1-4). This is contrary to our current religious culture that seems to de-emphasize sound doctrine; that you can believe all sorts of things and still be 'sound'. The universalists view of 'all roads leading to God' whether they be through Jesus, Buddha, Mohhamad, (or any other religious leader - even yourslef!) have become mainstream and the dominant spiritual current of our times. This must be rejected! In the context here, Paul is speaking about those who are teaching to return to the practices of Judiasm (circumcision specifically) in order to enter through Christ to God (cf. Titus 1:10-16), but what do you teach that is not in accord with "sound doctrine"? If the apostle Paul were to hear you present the gospel to someone, would he be inclined to say that you were unified in the Spirit with him (cf. Eph 4:1-6)? Day 4. Grace (Titus 2:11; 3:5-8, 15) Grace is a dominant theme of the entire bible, and most epsecially of Saul's converted life to Paul (cf. 1 Cor 15:10). Profoundly, Paul here speaks of grace playing a critical role in our overcoming of sin, ungodliness, and worldliness. How are you motivated by grace in your struggle again sin (cf. earlier WBS posts on grace)? As a side note, can you articulate the "sound doctrine" of Titus 3:5 in what Paul is saying ('God saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit') to someone else? Day 5. Applying Titus How does this letter of the apostle Paul to his younger protégé Titus apply to your life today? Share these things with a trusted friend in the gospel and continue to allow God's grace to teach you to say "no" to all ungodliness.

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